Beach Towels in Winter? Yes!

Posted by in White Beach Towels, Colored Beach Towels, Product Usage, Beach Towels.

Beach towels are not typically the first item that comes to mind when considering winter promotions. Snow and ice, freezing temperatures and general dreariness outside don’t normally lend themselves to thoughts of fun in the sun (except as a pleasant daydream). However, for the right business or promotion, decorated beach towels are the perfect choice. Some examples:

Travel-Oriented CompaniesBT-10-NeriumCancun-A-053014

For travel agencies, tour companies, airlines, cruise lines and more – what better advertisement for booking a cold-weather getaway than to put their brand or promotional message on a beach towel? Beach towels could be given to repeat or prospective clients, or as a gift upon booking a trip. And once at the beach or pool, the towel’s message will get noticed time and time again with its expansive imprint area.

Corporate Incentives

Many companies offer travel reward incentives to their sales representatives and other employees for meeting performance goals. Transitioning into the New Year by giving employees beach BT_15_Apple-healthyrewardstowels promoting those incentives can help them to visualize enjoying their hard-earned reward on a beautiful beach. In addition, many companies encourage healthy lifestyles by offering wellness programs. A decorated beach towel is a tangible reminder for participants to stick to their diet and exercise regimens in preparation for the warmer months ahead, when the results of those workouts may be displayed on the beach!

Other “Warm Weather” Companies

In colder climates, sales of boats, surfboards and other water sports-oriented gear naturally dips during the winter months. Decorating beach towels with a brand or message can remind potential customers of their fondness for summertime water sports and help reinforce an off-season promotion. Pool contractors and distributors could also use beach towels to promote off-season business and give to prospective clients who visit them in their showrooms or at trade shows.

BT-14-SwimWorldPools-IMP-110613For more information on the Pro Towels extensive lineup of beach towels, click here.